Fuel cell

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Fuel cell

What is fuel cell?

It is a generation device like an engine of an internal combustion that generates electrical energy by electrochemically reacting hydrogen and oxygen.

It is a green generator that generates electrical energy by electrochemically reacting hydrogen and oxygen with counter-use of electrolyzing water that produces hydrogen and oxygen.

Principle of fuel cell

Advantages of fuel cell

  • High generation efficiency
    • 45% or more of generation efficiency
    • 85% or more of overall efficiency
  • Green energy source
    • Reduce greenhouse gas by 60% ​
    • Reduce particulate matter by 99%
    • No air pollution / Low noise
  • The best space efficiency
    • Higher generation compared to installation area
    • 179

      Fuel cell

    • 19,800
      (110 times)


    • 39,600
      (220 times)

      wind energy

    Per 1MW (production area M²)

  • High operational stability
    • 24 hours/365 days full-time generation
    • 95%

      Fuel cell

    • 15%


    • 25%

      wind energy

Why do we need hydrogen fuel cells?
  • Mobility

    Hydorgen energy can be moved easily to other place where energy is required.

    Energy transfer in a way of high-pressure compression, liquefaction, compound, etc. (e.g. pipe, truck, ship)

  • High energy density

    High energy density per weight.

    • 4 times gasoline
    • 3 times natural gas
    • 100 times lithium-ion battery of electric vehicles
  • Mass production

    Mass production is made through a electrolysis device to decompose water into hydrogen and oxygen using electricity.

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